I Remember: Parents, Teachers, and Students Share Unforgettable Experience About 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program
This FREE Resource, a product of the 21ST CENTURY COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER program and The Polk County School Board, Florida, has the power to transform learning. Teachers can integrate these practices, formats, and ideas into their learning plans, sparking insights and tenants of math projects that will captivate and inspire students, parents, and teachers, fostering a culture of numeracy skills.
“Learning is my responsibility when I take ownership of what I am learning.”
Published by the Polk County School Board, Florida, through the 21ST CENTURY COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTER program, these two books are designed to help student learners see their progress in a tangible product. Participants are encouraged to draw from their backgrounds and interests to engage families, students, and staff in math literacy, leaving a lasting legacy of their learning journey.
Participants in this book project, including students from six Polk County middle Schools, were part of a collaborative effort. They were introduced to two projects completed by students, parents, and Polk County Public Schools Building Bridges 21st CCLC program staff. The new knowledge that was expected to be gained as a result of these projects is how easy it is to help students, parents, and staff build confidence and opportunities for professional development learning and teaching formats. “Building Creative, Fun, and Engaging Math Projects During and After School” is a hands-on, highly interactive approach to teaching outside the box, fostering a sense of community and shared learning.
This book is offered as a resource as a tribute to Dr. Brenda Kearse (deceased), a pioneer, visionary, and intellectual scholar for these works for, by, and with children in Polk County, Florida.