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Coming Soon

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  • ISBN - Paperback: 978-1-942774-32-7
  • ISBN - eBook: Coming Soon
  • ISBN - Hardcover: Coming Soon
  • Publish Date: Coming Soon
  • Book Pages: Coming Soon
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    Coming Soon

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Epigenomic Awareness as a Key to Black Mental Health: The Disruptive Effects of Not Knowing

Benson George Cooke, Ed.D.; Schuyler “Sky” C. Webb, PhD, MB


Epigenomic Awareness as a Key to Black Mental Health explores the intricate ways in which external factors, particularly experiences of racism and discrimination, influence gene expression in the African American community.

This insightful book delves into the field of epigenetics, revealing how such factors can lead to significant health disparities, including higher rates of obesity, heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. By examining processes like DNA methylation, histone modification, and the role of microRNAs, the authors highlight the biological mechanisms behind these changes and discuss how modifying environmental influences like stress, diet, and exercise can potentially reverse these epigenetic alterations, offering hope for improved health outcomes. This essential read underscores the urgent need for further research and targeted interventions to address the unique health challenges faced by African Americans.