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Publishing Proposal Submissions

Guidelines for Authors

Welcome to Universal Write Publications.

The Publishing Proposal form helps give us a clear idea of your book project in a concise manner. Please complete it as fully as possible, or feel free to use it to structure your proposal.

On submission, your proposal will be read by one or more members of the editorial committee, who will, if necessary, discuss it with colleagues and/or send it for review by one or more external advisers chosen by us for their specialist and/or market expertise. We welcome sample chapters, a full manuscript, and other materials you have available you believe are relevant. Please submit these along with your proposal.

We encourage authors to have, and provide, an ORCID iD as this is an increasingly important way for authors to be connected with their content, their research, and use of their work. Visit to enter the registry without fee.

We are committed to making publishing decisions as swiftly and efficiently as possible. However, obtaining reviews does take time, and if there are any circumstances we should bear in mind from the point of view of timing, please do let us know. We ask for sole consideration of the project while it is under review – or notification from you should you already have submitted this proposal to another publisher.

If you have already written a book proposal as a Word document (or compatible file), you can email your proposal to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. along with any supporting materials (such as your CV).

Contact Information

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The Project

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Brief Description of Project’s Scope and Content

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About Manuscript

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Peer Review

The peer review system is an integral part of the book submission and evaluation process. The peer-review system ensures that published research is rigorous and meets the international standards set by each discipline. We engage in a collaborative refereeing process that ensures that the work submitted is evaluated and commented upon by independent experts within the relevant field(s). The feedback is then shared with the author; however, the reviewer’s name is not disclosed unless specifically requested by the reviewer.

Please provide names and affiliations of 3-4 experts in your area who are well-positioned to evaluate the project and offer feedback. Peer reviewers should be experienced scholars with a track record in the area.

*We ask that the names submitted be unbiased and do not include scholars in your department, from your thesis committee, or that have served in an advisory capacity to you or the project in the past. Please note that we consider these suggestions, and we may not necessarily use them.

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Author Information

For each author, please provide the complete contact information, along with a biography and a full CV. For edited collections, please provide the names, positions, and affiliations, and short bio of all contributors.

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Commitment to Authors

The UWP commitment to quality production is synonymous with our commitment to fostering and sustaining healthy and prosperous relationships with each of our authors. We pay close attention to detail, welcome creative input, and vision as well as work with many industry leaders to produce quality publications. From professionally edited content to professional designer book covers, every aspect of production is engaged with quality at the forefront.