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Nah Dove, Ph.D.

"The voice of the Black woman is the least heard in our current global cultural matrix, but she is the key to understanding and applying Maaticity to life."

Assistant Professor, Africology and African American Studies

Dr. Dove is an assistant professor in the Department of Africology and African American Studies at Temple University. She spent her formative years in Ghana and Nigeria, was raised in the United Kingdom, and has worked in Sierra Leone and Ghana. Based on her research, she wrote the seminal book Afrikan Mothers: Bearers of Culture, Makers of Social Change.

The Author's Voice

Schools are “educational” institutions, culturally shaped and defined to be used to provide information deemed necessary by the authority of the rulers of nation states. - If the citizens of that society suffer inequalities, it is an unjust society. If the culture of that society despises your humanity, it is not your culture. In this case, an “education” that supports that society’s inequalities and injustices is corrupt. (Afrocentric School)

- Nah Dove, Ph.D.

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