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Daryl ‘Taiwo” Harris, Ph.D.

Trump excels at being indelicate, all the while appealing to the most ignoble proclivities in American society: racism, sexism, nativism, and religious chauvinism, among others.

Associate Professor and Chair, Political Science

Daryl Taiwo Harris is an associate professor and former chair of political science at Howard University. His teaching and research focus is the philosophical underpinnings of Black political phenomena. His work combines methods of Africological and political analyses with the goal of advancing Afrocentric understandings of the world. In exploring the nuances, interstices, and subtleties of previous critical works, Harris has found that the opening for innovation in the way we assess racial and cultural conflicts remains wide open. He is editor Newschaser: The Rhetoric of Trump in Essays and Commentaries (2017).

The Author’s Voice

In these essays [Newschaser, 2017], the authors highlight in considerably more detail the significant harm that Trump’s policy initiatives will exact on Black and Brown people, women’s health and reproductive rights, immigrants, Muslims, and the environment.

Daryl ‘Taiwo” Harris, Ph.D.

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