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Anika Burkin, Ph.D.

“In 1954 the Supreme Court of the United States’ ruling on the case Brown vs. Board of Education essentially ended school segregation. While many celebrated this landmark legislation, there were in fact detrimental consequences to Black teachers.”

Acting Associate Dean of Academics

Anika Burtin is an Associate Professor in the Division of Education, Health, and Social Work at the University of the District of Columbia. Dr. Burtin earned her Ph.D. in Learning Sciences from Northwestern University, a Master’s in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University, and her Bachelor of Arts in English from Spelman College. Dr. Burtin has worked as a high school teacher and administrator, curriculum consultant, and teacher trainer. Her research interests include the development of novice teachers, urban education, and adolescent struggling readers.

The Author’s Voice

Anika Burkin, Ph.D.

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